Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Cell Cycle Of Cancer - 1453 Words

Cancer is a genetic disease that is caused by mutations to genes that regulate a cell’s functions. According to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, â€Å"Ovarian cancer is a disease in which malignant or cancerous cells are found in the ovaries† (American Cancer Society). In other words, as the cells within the ovaries continue to grow abnormally, benign or malignant neoplasms will occur. Those cells will then outlive normal cells, and spread rapidly to other sections of the body due to the abnormal functioning of the cell cycle, which includes the G0 phase, G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, and M phase. In particular, as stated before, the cell cycle consists of five different phases: G0 phase, G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, and M phase.†¦show more content†¦In the G1 phase, there are two options that cells consider: the G0 phase, or the continuation of the cell cycle. The G0 phase is a non-diving but metabolically active state that cells may enter from the G1 pha se of the cell cycle. However, cancer cells will not enter the G0 phase and will begin to rapidly divide. Therefore, in the cell cycle, cancerous cells refuse to enter the G0 phase or dormant phase in order to reproduce at a rapid pace. Moreover, carcinogens are chemical or physical agents that have been proven by science that they can increase the risk of cancer. Commonly known carcinogens include environmental exposures or risk factors. Basically, these environmental exposures or risk factors are entities in a person’s environment that can increase the chances of developing cancer, such as a person’s lifestyle and the factors that they are exposed to in their environment. By way of example, tobacco, radon, air pollution, charred food, dietary choices, radiation, and power lines are just a few of the confirmed environmental risk factors. As reported by Dr. Wascher from the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, â€Å"Tobacco is by far the greatest cause of cancer cases and death.† Statistics display that approximately one-third of cancer-related deaths are from this environmental exposure. Then, after tobacco, it is proven that radon is the second-highest environmental risk factor for cancer. Furthermore, air pollution and charred food

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